Apex Predators

Fantich & Young’s Apex Predators reside at the top of their food chain. With no natural enemies no streets are unsafe walking in these shoes.


I for one.. Just look at the range of movement from this sphere robot. Who cares if it doesn’t have hands? It’s wonderful!

Max Bill Chronoscope

One day I will own this Max Bill Chronoscope designed for Junghans. White face, metal mesh wristband and beautiful concave glass. It’s just perfect. Last week, to cure my crush, I went into town and fitted one on my wrist.…


inerciaOne of the most immersive photographic works at Terra Cognita was Carlos Irijalba’s Inertia. Not only visually so, but also technically. The entire video is not free to embed, but you can watch an excerpt on Vimeo.